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Posts tagged email
One-Click Mobile Payment Options

The increasing penetration of smartphones (and to some degree tablets) in the US market means that now, more than ever, your next customer is just one click away – from placing an order ORabandoning your cart. You can increase your chances of success by incorporating “one-click” type ordering options on your order pages. Here are a couple of ways you can do it.

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Holiday Emails: A Lesson in Relevance

It’s a mantra of email marketing that relevance is the key attribute to getting your emails opened by your recipients. Unlike many of the shiny new objects or truisms that seem to arise every day, this particular mantra is true. Your email messages and promotions must be perceived as useful, or at least applicable, to your recipients to avoid having your messages marked as spam, deleted without being opened or having your recipients unsubscribe from them completely.

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9 Ways to Let Go: Email Opt Outs

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 set the U.S. Federal standards for the transmission of commercial email messages, including giving recipients the right to opt-out. That may seem like old news but if you haven’t taken a serious look at how you handle email opt-outs consider that email marketers have developed a variety of approaches for carrying out this simple function over the last 10+ years. It may be time for an overhaul. 

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Gmail Changes Impact Email Marketers

In September, Google made changes to their very popular Gmail service so that messages now appear in three distinct categories within their inbox—primary, social, and promotions. Users can also add two additional categories, updates and forums from a provided menu.

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The Power of an “OOPS!” Email

Since confession is good for the soul, first admit that you have done it. What? I’m referring to sending out an email that wasn’t quite as ready to go as you thought it was when you tested it. Of course, the minute you send it out you immediately find out that your well-baked email actually wasn’t.

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